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안녕 (Annyeong) - Goodbye

I officially finished my semester at Korea University during the ending of December, however due to traveling, I am only now able to blog my ending study abroad experience. My semester in Korea University has been a memorable experience for me. It literally felt like a dream because I learned so much about myself and my major while also having lots of fun. The entire KUBA had a farewell ceremony as well as a farewell dinner. I was dreading this day because goodbyes were never easy for me. Parting from people I've made connections with, a country that I fell in love with, and a culture that I indulged myself in was difficult. However, I knew that nothing will be the same anymore and that's okay because I know it's the beginning of something new.

If there is one advice I'd have to give to people studying abroad, it would be to always have an open mind and be open to new things. Believe me, once you've tried something new, you gain whole new perspective on what you are capable of. With that said, keep in mind that you are in another country. The opportunities to do something new are endless and there's nothing that should hold you back. It can and will be challenging especially with the language barrier, but you'll feel even better when you accomplish it. Being in a foreign country means following a different culture and practicing different traditions. The way people think and do things are different, so be sure to be respectful and keep an open mind. The main thing that I realized that hindered my experience in Korea was my home sickness. I realized sulking and not doing any thing because I miss my loved ones back home wasn't doing me any good. So I got out and took my mind off it. I managed to make really good friends and meet really amazing people on this journey of mines. As cliche as it sounds, this was a life changing experience. Hawaii was always the place I found comfort in, but now; I have South Korea to call my second home.




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